Sunday, March 21, 2010


Life is a fickle thing. It could be snatched form you at any time. Don't think that only old people die, and that you are safe for another forty years. Teens die every day.
An earthquake, war, tsunami, car crash, random shooting, cancer ; the list of ways you could die in the next week, day, or minute is almost unending. Are you ready for what you are going to find on the other side?
I know what your answer is... "There is nothing after death. Death is the end." But, what if you are wrong? The consequences for bad judgement in this area would be catastrophic. Is it worth the risk to you?

If I am wrong and you are right... we will both go in to the grave and that will be the end. You will say that I waisted my life by not living in a way that would give me the maximum pleasure.

But the scary thing is, what if I am right... I will go to heaven and live for ever in the most enjoyable way possible, but you will spend your eternity in an environment worse than you could ever imagine - Hell.

I have made my choice. What will you choose?

The Bible says Jesus is the only way to heaven.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36

Do the test to find out if you are good enough to go to heaven. The Test


  1. The only measure of a good life at death is that we loved those around us, did good deeds, and were good to our family, friends, and even those we did not agree with.

    I don't see how saying a magic phrase or how a book of goatherding poetry has any effect on a good or bad life. Most people are Christians exactly for this reason, because they are egotistical and can't imagine closing their eyes to the universe to let a child take their place.

    So I say this to you: Cotton Mather said it better. YOU are a sinner in the hands of an angry god...I am an atheist who sees every breath on this planet as a miracle of evolutionary biology.

  2. Wesley,
    The measure of a good life at death is that we loved those around us, did good deeds, were good to our family, friends, those we did not agree with, AND that we loved God.
    I am a Christian because the death and resurrection of the Christ is one of the best documented facts in history. Christ said He would rise from the dead, and He did. Because I believe in the resurrection of Christ I also believe everything else Jesus said.
    I have made a post on reasons to believe the Bible.
    What if you are wrong Wesley?
    Thank you for commenting.
